Rate Match + extra 20% off


Our Best Rate Guarantee

We're confident that when you book directly on our official website, you'll always get our best prices. Our best rate guarantee is a promise of that.

In the unlikely event that you've found a better rate after booking on our official website, we'll happily match it and give you an extra 20% discount.

Before you submit a claim, here’s what we would like you to consider:

  • Have you already booked on our brand website?

    Bookings on other websites do not qualify

  • Are the booking conditions and cancellation policies exactly the same?

    Different booking conditions and/or cancellation policies do not meet the criteria.

  • Can this rate be booked on the Internet for the same dates?

    Rates may change at any time due to various factors. If you find a lower rate which is also available on our website at the same time, we will only match the rate, but a further 20% discount will not be applied.

  • Does the rate include tax and service charge?
  • Can you show us the rate difference in our hotel’s local currency?
  • Is the difference less than 0.5% due to currency conversions?
  • Have you booked a package?
  • Does the alternative website offer you instant confirmation?

Still convinced you've beaten our best rate guarantee? Complete this Quick Claim Form within 24 hours of your booking, and we'll let you know the results.